In het kader van onze samenwerking met IMarEst wijs ik u graag op de website van de INEC 2016 conferentie die van 26-28 april 2016 wordt gehouden in Bristol, UK.

Wilt u iets presenteren? Weest er snel bij. De call for papers sluit op 23 okt 2015. 

theIMarEST’sInternational Naval Engineering Conference and Exhibition (INEC) ( is the foremost professional event in the naval engineer's calendar.  The next INEC takes place from 26 – 28 April 2016 in the Passenger Shed at Brunel’s Old Station, Bristol, UK and seeks to build on previous successes and expand its international credentials.  

INEC 2016’s overall theme will be ENGINEERING THE TRIPLE A NAVY: ACTIVE, ADAPTIVE, AFFORDABLE. This theme is particularly apposite as national economies strive to emerge from a deep global recession, and pressures on defence expenditure and the need to achieve true value for money are ever present.  With financial insecurity there also lies geo-political uncertainty, international terrorism, trafficking, piracy and conflict to which navies from across the world provide presence, assistance and at times direct intervention.  Warships and submarines must operate in the littoral and at reach around the globe, remaining active and effective at all times and in all punishing maritime environments.  They must be flexible and adaptable to meet emerging crises, asymmetric threats and human disasters whilst retaining interoperability and full scale war fighting capability.  Above all they must be cost effective; harnessing technology, innovation and remaining environmentally compliant to project power and influence at best cost to the taxpayer and least cost to the planet. 

The INEC theme for 2016 provides a unique and uncompromising forum for professional engineers and technologists from across the world’s navies, defence industries and academic establishments to share the very latest thinking and developments in warship and submarine design and operation.  A truly international event, INEC consistently attracts attendees from over 18 countries and with a growing appeal based on an unrivalled track record seeks to expand this global interest.  Brunel's Old Station will provide both a historic backdrop and an exceptional networking facility for INEC 2016 that will enable the best minds in naval engineering to challenge and debate the issues of today and tomorrow.

I very much hope that you will submit a synopsis for INEC 2016; please see the criteria set out below and email your synopsis will be in touch again as soon as the new INEC website is launched, in the meantime please bookmark

Kind regards,

Cdr Matt Bolton BEng MSc CEng FIMarEST FIMechE RN
INEC 2016 Chairman



Active: Current and future operations | Global access and underwater operations | Anti-piracy, international terrorism and internal conflicts | Counter narcotics | Disaster relief | Legislation and regulation | Fuels and emissions control | IMO/environmental compliance | Safety, care and protection | Warships, submarines and support vessels | Mission systems: weapons, sensors, command systems | Naval aviation and the ship/air interface | Communications and cyber | Damage control, signature control and survivability

Adaptive: Propulsion and auxiliary equipment, systems and architectures | Energy storage and recovery systems | Integrated Platform Management Systems | Human factors and human machine interface | Automation | New technologies | Innovation | Smart technologies | Novel materials | Open architectures and system integration | Autonomous systems: UUV, USV, UAV | Off-board systems, launch and recovery | Modularity and mission bays | Interoperability

Affordable: Economics and global trends | Engineering resources | Demographic pressures | Training | Manning models | Information and knowledge management | International co-operation | Knowledge and technology transfer: oil and gas, cruise | Modelling, simulation and hardware in the loop | De-risking, tests and trials, commissioning | Design and build | Repair and maintenance | Supportability and support solutions | Health monitoring | Life extension, upkeep, upgrade


§  Over 300 expert participants

§  Over 75 peer-reviewed technical papers

§  The Sir Donald Gosling Award

§  15 plus focussed exhibition stands

§  International attendance from over 18 countries

§  Excellent networking opportunities and social programme

§  Industrial visits

Close of Call for Papers: Friday 23 October 2015
Notification to successful authors: November/December 2015
Receipt of full technical papers: Friday 29 January 2016



Papers will be reviewed and selected on the basis of technical quality, relevance and their potential for generating discussion.  Papers will be presented by either poster or lecture in English; Prospective authors are invited to submit titles of papers, keywords and synopses of between 250-500 words (text only – please do not submit pictures, figures, graphs, equations etc.) to the INEC 2016 Technical Advisory Committee by email.  Selected authors will be invited to submit final papers of up to 4000 words.  Please note that all papers are peer reviewed and certain papers may be included in other IMarEST publications after the event.


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