We say goodbye to our board member Dieudonnée Cobben and welcome our new board member Jeroen Schot.

We would like to inform you that the past one year and nine months Dieudonnée Cobben has been part of the KIVI Students Eindhoven Board and now the time has come to officially say goodbye. We would like to thank Dieudonnée for all her efforts she has done for our board. We wish her good luck on focusing on her master and her new challenge at the Board of Female Engineers! With the departure of an old board member a new board member should be added to the board. With Jeroen Schot, currently studying Mechatronics at the Fontys in Eindhoven, we have a valuable new board member. Not only he is enthustiastic to begin with his board year, he also has an extra added value as he is the first board member from the HBO, which gives more variance in our board composition. In this way we hope to appeal to more HBO'ers to come to our activities and thus attract a broader audience. Welcome to our board Jeroen!