Eleven multinationals in the region South-West Netherlands and East-Flanders work together to accomplish a reduction in CO2-emission. In a project called Smart Delta Resources, companies in food, steel, chemicals and energy industry are exchanging materials and rest streams to enhance efficiency and reduce emission to be able to make the Paris goals.

Eleven multinationals in the region South-West Netherlands and East-Flanders work together to accomplish a reduction in CO2-emission. In a project called Smart Delta Resources, companies in food, steel, chemicals and energy industry are exchanging materials and rest streams to enhance efficiency and reduce emission to be able to make the Paris goals.

A roadmap was developed to get insight into arrangements that need to be made to accomplish the goals. The roadmap was offered to the Tweede Kamer of the Netherlands and the Algemeen Afgevaardigde of the Flemish government.

The roadmap formulates 3 strategic priorities which are electricity & hydrogen, circular resources and Carbon Capture and Storage or Usage. These priorities are worked out in 8 specific plans. These include a hydrogen network between Gent and Vlissingen, a 100 MW electrolyser, a network for the storage and usage of CO2 to transform rest streams of the steel industry into synthesis gas.

Because the collaborating companies are located close together, a larger emission reduction can be accomplished compared to what individual companies could accomplish.