‘Bio-economy in the Non-Food sector’ is one of the projects of an EU program, called Interreg, that aims to promote regional cooperation by subsidizing projects that involve cross-border cooperation. Now in its 5th incarnation, Interreg V will run from 2014-2020.

Bio-economy in the Non-Food sector’ is one of the projects (see also factsheet) of an EU program, called Interreg, that aims to promote regional cooperation by subsidizing projects that involve cross-border cooperation. Now in its 5th incarnation, Interreg V will run from 2014-2020.
For projects in border regions The Netherlands will receive EU € 309 million over this period, on condition that the Dutch government will double this amount. Four programs make up this part of the project:
Interreg Nederland - Duitsland
Interreg Vlaanderen - Nederland
Interreg Euregio Maas - Rijn
Interreg 2 Zeeën
Greenpac is project leader of several projects of the INTERREG V-a program.
There is still room for projects, so by all means do apply by using the site of EDR.