Energy Now 2023 Evoluon
Energy Transistion
15 mei 2023
09:30 uur - 17:30 uur

Energy Now 2023 the move towards energy independence

Energy transition has gained momentum in Europe in the past decade to ensure a sustainable future. The European Union has established goals for lowering carbon emissions through the use of renewable energy sources, but this transition will take time since Europe is heavily reliant on imported natural gas. However, due to the current geopolitical situation, the transition to energy independence has been accelerated. Implementation of any sustainable technology depends on the actions and the policies of the government as well as vertical integration to involve relevant stakeholders and the people.To become more independent and move towards clean energy; what are the alternatives which can meet the demand?

EL Noord-Brabant
ElaadNL: Webtalk #52 Effecten groei elektrisch vervoer op stroomnet
11 mei 2023
12:00 uur - 12:45 uur

Terug kijken ElaadNL: Webtalk #52 Effecten groei elektrisch vervoer op stroomnet

In deze webtalk doken Annabel van Zante (ElaadNL) en Maarten Venselaar (Enexis) in de relatie tussen het opladen van elektrische voertuigen en het stroomnet. Wat zagen we als we de verwachte groei van elektrisch vervoer afzetten tegen de ruimte op het stroomnet?

EL Overijssel
10 mei 2023
18:00 uur - 21:00 uur

Design van duurzame oplossingen

Design van duurzame oplossingen. Aanpak, rol en gereedschappen van de ontwerper. KIVI College door Herman van der Vegt (npk design)

IO Utrecht
10 t/m 11 mei 2023

IDEMC: Design for Complexity

Using systems and transition thinking in design. Two day Masterclass by Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer and Jotte de Koning

IO Zuid-Holland
Logo All Energy Day 2023
9 mei 2023
09:00 uur - 16:00 uur

TU Delft: All Energy Day 2023

On Tuesday, May 9th, 2023, the eleventh edition of All Energy Day will take place. The Netherlands’ largest energy event organised by students is aimed to stimulate new generations of students to use their knowledge and inventiveness and be part of the solution for a sustainable future. The theme of All Energy Day 2023 reads: “Dare to Lead”. The energy transition has entered a new phase in which a lot of new technology is available to make this transition happen. However, the bottleneck is often the implementation of these ideas. To make this change, we need leadership, progression, and the courage to make the step into the unknown.

EL Zuid-Holland
1 mei 2023
14:00 uur - 17:00 uur

Luier Recycling bij ARN: een innovatieve circulaire oplossing

Welke business case is gemaakt voordat de LRI kon worden gerealiseerd

BK Gelderland