29 t/m 30 januari 2020

IDEMC: Design for the Circular Economy

On 29 and 30 January 2020, the IDE Master Class ‘Design for the Circular Economy’ takes place. In this Master Class, you will learn how to implement tools and techniques in your design process to contribute to a circular & sustainable economy. The Master Class is given by Conny Bakker, professor Design for Sustainability and Circular Economy, Bas Flipsen, Senior Lecturer Design for Sustainability and Circular Economy, Ingrid de Pauw, Lecturer Circular Product Design, and Bram van der Grinten, Researcher EcoBulk and teacher sustainable design strategies.

IO Zuid-Holland
16 januari 2020
19:00 uur - 22:00 uur

Embracing the New Energy Mix: Safer, Greener, Smarter

Lecture by Thomas Spanjaard (Business Acquisition Manager Renewables) and Menko Teunis (Marine Engineer).

OT Zuid-Holland
15 t/m 16 januari 2020

Summit on Low-Voltage DC grids

DC SUMMIT 15-16 January 2020 We organise an international congress DC Summit on Low-Voltage DC Grids together with Technical University of Delft. DC experts will share practical experiences of projects such as DC on ships, DC in the Amsterdam Arena, DC tunnel on freeway A16, Highway N470 on DC Grid, other DC projects and DC-standards in the Netherlands.

EL Zuid-Holland
11 december 2019
18:00 uur - 21:00 uur

Ink & hoe de wereld te verbeteren door design

‘Ink & hoe de wereld te verbeteren door design’, KIVI College door Anna Noyons (Founder and Creative director ( ink ). Design & innovation studio).

IO Utrecht