AI,English,Nerve Identification
23 februari 2023
18:30 uur - 21:00 uur

VLV medical - AI for the nerve identification

As KIVI International Engineers, we look forward to hosting you at our first event of 2023! First, we will welcome you with warm and delicious pizza to meet and greet! Then we will host an interactive session about VLV medical, a startup specialising in making neuromodulation therapy accessible to the general public. We will listen to three innovative presentations about this technology and its applications from the perspective of the co-founder, academic advisor and neurosurgeon. Our speakers will also share their professional stories as expats in the Netherlands to inspire our international audience. The event will be finalised with a Q&A with the three speakers!

KIE Zuid-Holland
3 november 2022
19:00 uur - 21:30 uur

AI in medical imaging (Hybrid)

JOIN US for the last session of the KIE AI series! Artificial Intelligence has significant importance in medical imaging with the benefits of improved accuracy in identifying and acting on abnormalities, reduced workload and medical errors for the health professionals and detection of critical diseases. KIVI International Engineers is looking forward to facilitating this event for an interactive discussion about the current applications of artificial intelligence in medical imaging and how it would contribute to the future of healthcare. Our speakers will share their valuable insights based on their innovative and international projects from the corresponding developments in the academy and industry. This event will be finalized with delicious drinks and snacks to connect with and inspire each other!

KIE Zuid-Holland
10 september 2022
09:30 uur - 17:30 uur

175 jaar KIVI Engineering Festival

Op 31 augustus 2022 bestaat het Koninklijk Instituut Van Ingenieurs 175 jaar. Dit 35e lustrum met als thema Engineering Continuous Transition wordt gedurende 2022 gevierd met verschillende activiteiten en wordt op 10 september 2022 groots afgesloten met een Engineering Festival voor een breed publiek in Delft.

K175 Zuid-Holland