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10 maart 2021
19:30 uur - 20:30 uur

KIVI Café - PREFER - What type of engineer are you? - Part II

During this KIVI Café YKE provides a PREFER workshop (MATCH) to help you find out how to shape your career to match the type of engineer you are. This time a KIVI Coach will join the session to help you find your answers. This is Part II of the PREFER workshop.

YKE Zuid-Holland
KIVI Carrousel
3 maart 2021
19:30 uur - 20:30 uur

KIVI Carrousel - PREFER - What type of engineer are you? - Part I

During this KIVI Carrousel YKE provides a PREFER workshop (EXPLORE) to help you find out what type of engineer you are. This is Part I of the PREFER workshop.

YKE Zuid-Holland
18 februari 2021
16:00 uur - 17:00 uur

Het COVID-19 vaccin door Diederik Gommers

Een technisch-medische lezing over de werking van de vaccins die een einde moeten maken aan onze 1,5-metersamenleving

KST Overijssel