23 maart 2022
16:00 uur - 16:45 uur

Rewatch Stork Webinar: Transitioning to a lower-carbon production through electrification

The financial and environmental benefits for industrial companies of using electricity instead of fossil fuels are increasing. In 2020, only about 20 percent of the energy consumed in industry was electricity, but electricity prices are lowering, the cost of electric equipment is falling and stringent greenhouse-gas (GHG) emission regulation are increasing. The time has arrived for industrial companies, supported by policymakers and utilities, to plan for the adoption of electric technologies for their current fuel use. In this webinar, Stork's subject-matter experts will dive into the potential of electrification. They'll showcase best practices in electrification in industrial assets and share recent example cases.

EL Utrecht
Foto Energie hubs op bedrijventerreinen
16 maart 2022
12:00 uur - 13:00 uur

Terugkijken E-Lunchsessie: Inpassing duurzame energie op bedrijventerreinen, de oplossing voor de netcongestie?

In het licht van landelijke, regionale en lokale klimaatdoelstellingen neemt de vraag naar duurzame energie toe. Hoe zorgen we dat de gewenste energie er altijd is? Energy hubs ontsluiten het potentieel van verschillende vormen van duurzame energie, en koppelen de producenten direct aan de afnemers. In dit lunch webinar zal Pascal Jonkman, Business Developer bij Firan BV (onderdeel van de Alliander groep), uitleg geven over het stappenplan voor Energy Hubs waarin duurzame initiatieven op en rond een bedrijvenpark in kaart worden gebracht, en inzichten gecreëerd in het potentieel van slimme decentrale netten.

EL Utrecht
webinar Future Grid Accelarion March 8, 2022
8 maart 2022
15:00 uur - 16:30 uur

Rewatch CIGRE: Future Proof Grid Acceleration

CIGRE is delighted to invite you to the virtual 'Future Proof Grid Acceleration' power update on Tuesday 8 of March. Peter Palensky will moderate you in 90 minutes through visions and practical examples with the speakers: Timo Kiiveri, Senior Vice President Asset Management, Fingrid with Subject: TSO Grid digitalization, Daan Schut, CTO, Alliander with Subject: DSO Grid digitalization Andreas Lukaschik, Engineer system outlook, TenneT with Subject: System operations 2030, Christoph Kandlbinder-Paret with Consultant Asset Technology, TenneT with Subject: Data and load flow management in dynamic line rating The speakers will share their vision and answer the following questions: What is a future-proof grid? How do we manage from a system operations perspective? How does digitization already help to accelerate new initiatives and save costs? Which concepts are explored and what are their benefits? What barriers have we overcome so far and what are the next steps? After this session you will have good insights of the opportunities and challenges that arise with the transformation to a future proof grid.

EL Utrecht