Drivers in the Loop
The second International Journal of Driving Sciences (IJDS) Symposium takes place on June 7th 2019, following ITS European Congress 2019 (June 3rd till 6th 2019) in the brain port region Eindhoven - Helmond.
The IJDS Symposium provides a forum for researchers and engineers from academia, industry and government involved in Driving Sciences throughout the world, to present their latest findings and ideas. Central question during the IJDS is how the driver interacts with driver-vehicle systems in advanced environments.
The IJDS Symposium includes keynotes, invited presentations by eminent scientists and state-of-the-art presentations from industry. You are invited to participate in the symposium with a presentation. We are looking forward to your contribution related to one or more of the symposium topics.
Symposium Topics
The IJDS symposium has initiated the following areas of interest:
• Autonomous driving
• Driver behavior
• Connected other modes
Abstract submission
The organizers welcome submissions from academia, government and industry presenting research results in all practical and theoretical aspects of the role of the driver in (semi-)autonomous vehicles. Prospective authors are invited to submit an abstract in English. The abstract is limited to two pages (A4, excluded figures and tables, but with a maximum of one extra page). The official language of the symposium is English.
IJDS editors will review the submitted abstracts. Successful authors will be invited to give a presentation, limited to 20 minutes. Each block of 3 presentations is concluded with 15 minutes question-and-answer session. It’s possible that we change the amount of presentations and question-and-answer time. This depends on the number of presentations.
Submissions must be made by the deadline of Monday, December 17th, 2018, through the symposium website. Submitted abstracts must describe the outcomes and application of unpublished original research. Authors of accepted abstracts must guarantee that they will present their research at the symposium.
Abstract format
Please prepare your abstract using the template to be found here.
Publication of Papers
We offer all authors to submit a paper for publication on the HAN's open access journal (IJDS journal). Don’t miss out the chance to publish your paper.
Han University of Applied Sciences, IJDS
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Jolanda Duyvesteun via e-mail
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