On Tuesday March 22 and Wednesday March 23, 2016 the 4th edition of the Additive World Conference on Industrial 3D Printing will take place in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The goal of this growing conference, targeted at industrial additive manufacturing only (so no consumer printing), is to exchange visions, knowledge, applications and experiences on industrial additive manufacturing. It has proven to be an exciting event to meet fellow AM professionals and be inspired.

On Tuesday March 22, Day 1, the Additive World Conference will be focused on Science and Education. Co-hosted by the partner of Additive Industries Fontys, we will welcome renown speakers from among others ETH Zürich, University of Nottingham and MIT. On Day 2, March 23, the Conference will focus on Technology and Applications with key-note speeches of Mr. Martin Schaefer from Siemens and Airbus APWorks CEO Joachim Zettler. Additional contributions are from Sandvik, DMRC, Xilloc and Lego. On the first day an informal networking dinner is part of the programme and on Wednesday night the Additive World Awards dinner is organised for the 2nd time.

If you register as a relation of KIVI, we can offer you a partner discount of € 75 if you join us for the both days. Please enter the code KIVI16 in the ‘special conditions’ field when registering: http://additiveworld.com/Inschrijvingen?idEvent=46

You can find the preliminary programme on http://additiveworld.com/Conferences/Additive-world-conference-2016.

We are looking forward to meeting you on the 4th edition of the Additive World Conference.