On Friday, September 23 KIVI certified seven more engineers with the Chartered Engineer title, among them were engineers from: Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors BV, Brunel, Royal HaskoningDHV and Compressor Controls Corporation BV. The engineers distinguish themselves with this international qualification in technical and innovative capabilities.

"The designation shows that in-depth technical knowledge is mastered, that the engineer is up-to-date and also has excellent project management and communication skills. Also sustainable and ethical behavior are important. Experts assess the skills and competences acquired by the engineer to meet the high international quality standards", said Micaela dos Ramos, KIVI director.

The titles Chartered Engineer (CEng) and Incorporated Engineer (IEng) may be granted if an engineer has a degree in Engineering, technology or a related science and a minimum of five years work experience.

The newly registered Chartered Engineers:

  • Nils den Hartog
  • Willem Keij
  • Tom Segboer
  • Cuno Langeveld
  • Wouter Karreman
  • Rafik Djigouadi
  • Arjen Kuin

   Cuno Langeveld    Wouter Karreman

 Rafik Djigouadi

   Arjen Kuin