Learn from the experts about leadership in your career and the role of a mentor.

During the Hangout sessions you get to learn from and ask your questions to professionals in the field.

This is the 1st of 3 hangout sessions organised by TUD Career Centre & Shell and this time we will talk about Leadership and how a mentor relation can influence this. Are you curious about obtaining a management position in the future maybe? Or are you thinking about what kind of leader you want to be? Do you know that mentor relations are just as beneficial for growing in your career as growing in your personal life? Ever thought about asking someone to mentor you? Today is the day to ask about leadership and learn how a mentor can be the perfect preparation for what to come.

About the trainer: Lou van Anholt

Former Shell Manager with 40 years of experience in the company. Currently, Adviser Operational Excellence to start-up companies.

Shell & TU Delft Hangout programme 2018

Hangout 1: 20 March - Good leader, good mentor
Hangout 2: 24 April  - 3 Classmates, 3 Careers
Hangout 3:  29 May - Confidence & Self esteem

Limited places available, so sign up now via Brightspace: Career&Counselling Services( Brightspace Organisation: Career&Counselling Service)