AE PubQuiz 2023
13 januari 2023
20:00 uur - 23:00 uur

Aerospace PubQuiz 2023

The yearly Aerospace PubQuiz is coming up soon! After two digital editions, we are very happy to welcome you again physically, this time at stadscafé Barbaar in Delft. As per the tradition, Jacco Hoekstra - former Dean of the Aerospace Engineering faculty at the TU Delft will be our quizmaster.

AE Zuid-Holland
10 september 2022
09:30 uur - 17:30 uur

175 jaar KIVI Engineering Festival

Op 31 augustus 2022 bestaat het Koninklijk Instituut Van Ingenieurs 175 jaar. Dit 35e lustrum met als thema Engineering Continuous Transition wordt gedurende 2022 gevierd met verschillende activiteiten en wordt op 10 september 2022 groots afgesloten met een Engineering Festival voor een breed publiek in Delft.

K175 Zuid-Holland
2 september 2022
18:30 uur - 21:30 uur

AeroDelft presentation and BBQ

KIVI Aerospace invites you to join us in the beautiful KIVI building, to witness the presentation of the AeroDelft liquid hydrogen-powered aircraft design and showcase of the actual showmodel! Following this presentation we will host a nice summer-barbecue in the courtyard of the KIVI building in The Hague.

AE Zuid-Holland
TopGunMaverick - KIVIAE
2 juni 2022
20:00 uur - 23:30 uur

TopGun2 Viewing and Fighter Pilot perspective

Join your fellow Aerospace enthusiasts for the viewing of TopGun: Maverick; a must see for everyone who gets excited about fighter jets!

AE Zuid-Holland
24 mei 2022
17:30 uur - 19:30 uur

ETF Masterclass 1: The future of polymer recycling

In a world where there is a high demand for composite materials to facilitate the energy transition, the question arises: how to deal with them at the end of their life cycle? dr. ir. Wouter Post of Wageningen University & Research gives us a masterclass on composite materials and shows how far along research is in terms of recycling them.

KS Zuid-Holland