KIVI Chair Big Data Science Master Class
The Big Data Science Master Classes took place on the 10th of November 2016.
Here you can find the pictures and presentations.
Are you a specialist in the field of Big Data Science? Are you interested in strengthening your knowledge while at the same time taking part in knowledge exchange? Then the Big Data Science Master Classes organised by Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI) and TU Delft will be ideally suited to you.
The Master classes are an exchange of cutting edge research and knowledge developed within innovative companies. Furthermore the Master Classes give engineers and researchers the opportunity to inspire each other and to work together.
The Big Data Science Master Classes will investigate the following 3 research fields in detail:
1. Transiently powered computers – dr. Przemysław Pawełczak (TUD)
Transiently Powered Computers (TPCs) are embedded computing machines that operate on harvested energy. TPCs attractiveness comes from the absence of manual recharge, making them “forever implantable" in any structure we can imagine. This pushes the boundaries of the Internet of Things (IoT) and enables richer data collection for the Big Data world.
2. Computer Graphics and Visualisation – prof. dr. Elmar Eisemann (TUD)
We will give insights into methods to efficiently perform image synthesis, exceeding the boundaries of current rendering techniques. Important aspects are the trade-off between performance and visual fidelity, as well as scalability to large-scale data sets. Furthermore, we will show that a deeper understanding of the human visual system can be crucial in the development of rendering solutions for modern display devices.
3. Cyber-security – dr. Christian Doerr (TUD)
This seminar will consist of two components: first, we will look at the effectivity of cyber security strategies for organizations in face of recent USB-born malware such as StuxNet. Second, we will take a deep dive into the security of WiFi and analyse how design failures in the original WiFi protocol results in a very insecure communication ecosystem.
The master classes are intended for engineers who are employed in the field of the master classes, who have extensive knowledge on the subject and who can contribute to the master classes through knowledge sharing or exchange of information/data.
Prinsessegracht 23, 2514 AP Den Haag
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Jolanda van Hout Project Coordinator at KIVI