
On the 5th of October 2010, the study association “J.D. van der Waals”, an applied physics association run by students at the Eindhoven University of Technology, will be celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. To celebrate this event, Van der Waals has decided to organize a special symposium about particle physics on October the 5th. Attendees will be both physics students and faculty members.

General Introduction:
This symposium will cover both the basic knowledge of particle physics and various research projects. The Dutch contribution to particle physics research is discussed and the importance of the Large Hadron Collider will be shown. Also, the Pierre Auger Observatory and the use of particle physics in Mars exploration will be shown. In the afternoon, the participant can choose from three seperate activities. The various lectures and activities are explained below.

Ochtendprogramma: lezingen (9.00-12.45 uur)

- Introduction to particle physics prof. dr. F.L. Linde (Nikhef)
- Large Hadron Collider dr. J. Uythoven (CERN)
- Universe’s highest energy particles dr. C. Timmermans (RU)
- Surface measurements on Mars dr. C. Stoller (Schlumberger)

Lunch (12.45-13.30 uur)

Middagprogramma: Workshops and lecture series (13.30–16.00 uur)

- Workshop Analyzing collission data Nikhef
- Cyclotron: operations and safety prof. dr. Q.P.J. de Wit UU
- Lecture series string Theory prof. dr. Q.P.J. de Wit (UU) and prof. dr. E.A. Bergshoeff (RUG)

Closing reception (16.00 uur)


Technische Universiteit Eindhoven


Studievereniging Van der Waals

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Mark van der Heijden

Studieverenging Van der Waals


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