From grass to glass
Excursion with presentations: Friesland Campina Innovation Centre on Wageningen Campus.
Organized by the KIVI sections Region South and Dutch Process Technology.
Every day Royal FrieslandCampina provides millions of consumers all over the world with dairy based products containing valuable nutrients. FrieslandCampina also produces ingredients and semi-finished products for manufacturers of nutrition for children, the food industry and the pharmaceutical sector around the world.
FrieslandCampina has established a state-of-the-art Innovation Centre in Wageningen. Various research and development disciplines with around 320 staff, laboratories and a pilot plant have been brought together in a highly sustainable building.
At the excursion special attention will be given towards process technology aspects within the dairy industry.
Better nutrition for the world, a good living for our farmers, now and for generations to come.
Dr. Ir. Gerrit Westhoff MBA (Business Group Technology Manager CP EMEA)
Dr. Ir. Ir. Ger Willems (Director R&D support )
Willem Posthouwer (Global Manager Product & Portfolio management)
MSc. Patrick Berden (Director Process technology)
Huub Traa (Manager Proeffabriek)
Friesland Campina Innovation Centre
Bronland 20, 6708 WH Wageningen
Regio Zuid
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
ir. Gerard van Vucht t: 040 2528453