KIVI Innovation Drinks Twente
You are invited to a brand new edition of the KIVI Innovation Drinks Twente! This edition will start with two inspiring presentations about Artificial Intelligence and will conclude with an informal networking drink in the Grand Café.
The first speaker is Philip Brey, professor of philosophy of technology University of Twente, Department Philosophy. He is also scientific director of the 4TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology of the Universities of Twente, Delft, Eindhoven and Wageningen. Philip currently leads a European Union Horizon 2020 project, SIENNA (2017-2021), involving 13 international partners, on the ethical and human rights aspects of emerging technologies, including human genomics, human enhancement, robotics and artificial intelligence. This afternoon Philip will speak about big social and ethical issues of artificial intelligence.
The second speaker is Maarten Stol from BrainCreators, a leading company in enterprise AI (Artifical Intelligence) solutions. A dedicated team of AI experts and IT entrepreneurs with 20 years business experience puts the latest AI technology within reach of any company in need of an intelligent data solution. The wide range of verticals including, for example, large scale logistics, steel production, telecommunications, genetics and more is what makes BrainCreators unique. Maarten Stol, Principal Scientific Adviser at BrainCreators, will speak about the challenges in making an enterprise AI project successful. Example use-cases, some friendly technical concepts, the importance of good data, and societal and ethical issues will be discussed.
Would you like to broaden your professional network or are you curious about Artificial Intelligence? Get in touch, share your thoughts and broaden your network at the KIVI Innovation Drinks Twente! There will be free drinks and there is no entrance fee.
Powered by Twente Branding en BTC-Twente.
You are invited to a brand new edition of the KIVI Innovation Drinks Twente! This edition will start with two inspiring presentations about Artificial Intelligence and will conclude with an informal networking drink in the Grand Café.
The first speaker is Philip Brey, professor of philosophy of technology University of Twente, Department Philosophy. He is also scientific director of the 4TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology of the Universities of Twente, Delft, Eindhoven and Wageningen. Philip currently leads a European Union Horizon 2020 project, SIENNA (2017-2021), involving 13 international partners, on the ethical and human rights aspects of emerging technologies, including human genomics, human enhancement, robotics and artificial intelligence. This afternoon Philip will speak about big social and ethical issues of artificial intelligence.
The second speaker is Maarten Stol from BrainCreators, a leading company in enterprise AI (Artifical Intelligence) solutions. A dedicated team of AI experts and IT entrepreneurs with 20 years business experience puts the latest AI technology within reach of any company in need of an intelligent data solution. The wide range of verticals including, for example, large scale logistics, steel production, telecommunications, genetics and more is what makes BrainCreators unique. Maarten Stol, Principal Scientific Adviser at BrainCreators, will speak about the challenges in making an enterprise AI project successful. Example use-cases, some friendly technical concepts, the importance of good data, and societal and ethical issues will be discussed.
Would you like to broaden your professional network or are you curious about Artificial Intelligence? Get in touch, share your thoughts and broaden your network at the KIVI Innovation Drinks Twente! There will be free drinks and there is no entrance fee.
Powered by Twente Branding en BTC-Twente.
Hengelosestraat 500, 7521 AN Enschede
Young KIVI Engineers
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