After stress summer BBQ
Looking to unwind and relieve stress after your final exam of the school year is over?
Join us for the After Stress BBQ organized by the Student team of the Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs (KIVI) at the TU/e campus. Enjoy unlimited soft or alcoholic beverages and delicious grilled food, including vegetarian options! It's on us!
Students from all technical disciplines are invited to this event, where you can mingle, listen to music, and soak up the great weather. It's an opportunity to get to know each other better and release the tension built up over the past two weeks of exams.
Please be welcome and join us on the 6th of July located in the picture below on the TU/e campus form 16:30 until 20:00!
Free drinks and bites will be there from 17:00 untill 20:00!
Will you please let us know if you are coming? Please register here!
*Registration is voluntary but not without obligation. In the unlikely event that you cannot come, we ask you to cancel at least 7 days prior to the event. If you do not do this, we will charge an amount of 20 euros.
We hope to welcome many of you!
Kind regards,
Board KIVI Students: Kevin, Jasper, Rafay and Pim