ALV / GMM KIVI students
KIVI students: a new student association with a great mission
We would like to talk to you about the developments KS has gone through since the kick-off on September 15, 2021. Join us if you want to know more about KS's plans for 2022 and of course if you would like to contribute something yourself.
- Welcome
- Revision to KS launch meeting of December 13th
- Introduction board '21/'22
- Mission & Vision '21/'22
- Financial overview of 2021
- Budget 2022
- Q&A
We have 2 major projects and 4 committees that we would like to introduce to you. We are also happy to present the budget to you. Let us know on this day where you see opportunities and where you can help!
Grab a drink and we would love to discuss how we can make a stronger generation of tomorrow.
Check our website