Startle and Surprise in Flight Crew
Loss of control in-flight (LOC-i) currently makes up the largest category of fatal aviation accidents. In a significant proportion of these accidents, startle and surprise are suspected to have contributed to inappropriate flight crew responses. For this reason, aviation authorities have recommended the introduction of startle and surprise in pilot training. In her PhD research, Annemarie Landman (TU Delft, TNO) uses motion-based simulator experiments to investigate how surprise and startle affect pilot performance, and which training interventions can be used to mitigate these issues.
Annemarie Landman has studied Human Movement Sciences at the VU university in Amsterdam, and has previously investigated the effects of stress on human performance in the Dutch police force.
Prinsessegracht 23, 2514 AP Den Haag
Aerospace Engineering
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Jos Meijer, e.