EIRES: Design of a Dutch carbon-free energy system
EIRES - Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems was kindly invited you to join this webinar.
Over 200 particpants has joined the webinar at April 16, 2021. The presentation, and the Chats & Answers are also available at "Documenten".
Download Invitation & Full Program
Friday 16 April 2021
10h00 - 11h00 CET
Design of a Dutch carbon-free energy system
KIVI section Electrical Engineering has been addressing the Dutch Energy Transition since 2013.
Based on views of more than 50 Dutch professionals and a large body of national and international reports, this has resulted in a concept for a carbon-free energy system, based on electrification, solar power and wind energy, with hydrogen as a long-term buffer.
Simulations using historical weather data show that the system is robust, and financial analysis indicates that it is affordable.
The time horizon is 2050; is this concept sufficiently future proof to guide strategic decisions for the next decades? This webinar offers the opportunity to discuss a couple of the many issues still needing an answer.
The full study can be downloaded from the KIVI-website
10h00 - Welcome by Richard van de Sanden - TU/e | EIRES
10h05 - Design of a Dutch carbon-free energy system by Koen Huizer- KIVI | section Electrical Engineering
10h25 - Discussion with audience
10h50 - Wrap up & Closure
- Registration is mandatory
- English spoken