EIRES Lunch lecture: Reservoir modelling for the energy transition
The area focuses on storage concepts based on thermochemical materials (TCMs) and phase change materials (PCMs).
The research aims for material design and characterization from molecular to reactor scale, integration into systems for heat storage and harvesting for domestic applications.
Of the total energy consumption in the built environment, more than 65% is used for low temperature space and domestic hot water heating. Due to the mismatch between consumption of thermal energy (heat) and production by renewable sources, thermal energy storage will be an indispensable element in futures energy system. Promising concepts for heat/cold storage are based on thermochemical materials (TCMs) and phase change materials (PCMs).
This online lunch lecture is organized by Silvia Gaastra-Nedea and Henk Huinink, principal scientists EIRES | Focus Area - Systems for Sustainable Heat.
Focus Area
Geoenergy applications beyond hydrocarbons will play an essential role in accelerating the energy transition: Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one of the most important approaches to mitigate CO2 emissions; approximately 50% of the energy consumed in the northern hemisphere is needed for heating and cooling, and the expanded use of (shallow) geothermal energy could lead to significant CO2 reduction; the development of a hydrogen economy for power, transport, and production will rely on CCS for the generation of blue hydrogen and intermittent subsurface storage in geological formations or salt caverns for the generation of green hydrogen. All these new, low-carbon geoenergy applications need bespoke reservoir modelling approaches to estimate available pore volumes for storage reliably, capture how fluids with vastly different properties (e.g. hydrogen vs. hot water) interact with the reservoir geology, and quantify possible operational risks (e.g., early breakthrough of cold water during geothermal energy extraction). The geological uncertainties associated with these geoenergy applications can be significantly larger compared to hydrocarbon reservoirs because the characterisation of geoenergy reservoirs often relies on legacy data, for example 2D seismic lines for geothermal exploration rather than high-resolution seismic data for hydrocarbon exploration. This talk will explore how we can overcome existing limitations in static and dynamic reservoir modelling approaches to not only ensure that geological concepts are explored in an intuitive and efficient manner, but also that we end up designing meaningful reservoir models such that we can provide the reliable reservoir performance forecasts that are needed for new geoenergy applications to significantly impact our transition to a sustainable and just low-carbon energy future.
12h00 - 12h05
by Henk Huinink - TU/e | EIRES
12h05 - 12h35
Reservoir modelling for the energy transition
by Sebastian Geiger - Delft University of Technology
12h35 - 12h55
Questions & Answers
led by Maja Rücker - TU/e | EIRES
12h55 - 13h00
Wrap up & Announcements
by Mark Boneschanscher - TU/e | EIRES
About the speaker:
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Geiger is the Professor for Sustainable Geoenergy and Energi Simulation Chair at the Department of Geoscience and Engineering the Delft University of Technology. Before joining TU Delft, he worked for 16 years at Heriot-Watt University in Scotland where he was an Energi Simulation Chair for 11 years and held several university management roles. Sebastian received a PhD degree from ETH Zurich and holds graduate and undergraduate degrees from Oregon State University and the University of Freiburg. He spent time as a visiting researcher at the Aramco Research Centre in Houston, at Imperial College London, and at the Australian National University. In 2017 he received the Alfred Wegener Award from the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE), in 2020 he was appointed as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Scotland's national academy of science and letters, and in 2022 as a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK. Sebastian graduated over 30 PhD students, supervised over 100 MSc theses, and trained 12 postdoctoral researchers. He has published over 200 reviewed technical papers in conferences proceedings or peer-reviewed journals, and edited one book.
Target audience
EIRES Lunch lectures are open for anyone interested in the latest developments in energy storage and conversion. Different keynote speakers from academia and industry will present their views, solutions and outlooks on the topic. The lectures leave plenty of room for discussion. We value your input. Looking forward meeting you!
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EIRES | Systems for Sustainable Heat
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