ElaadNL: EV charging best practices and Power Quality
INVITATION for July 7 & 8, 2021
Best practices and Power Quality will be the central themes during this third edition of the Global EV Charging Test event. Because of the uncertain covid-related regulations, we are organising an online event. In the future we hope to meet you in person at our new testlab!
For different charging modes, like mode 3 and 15118, AC and DC charging, fast- and slow-charging, different experts will present their lessons learned and best practices related to communication, interoperability, smart charging, and power quality. And like last year deep dives into the Power Quality research will be hosted by different experts from the field. During these deep dive sessions, you will be updated about the research status on relevant topics and have the opportunity to ask questions to the researchers.
We would like to invite you to attend the webinars. You can register for free using the corresponding link. Minor changes to the program are possible.
-- Wednesday July 7 --
10.00 - 10.45: Keynote by Mark McGranaghan (Epri):
The Changing Nature of Power Quality and Compatibility
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11.00 - 11.45: Maarten Jaspers and Guillaume Goijen (Allego)
Experiences with DC charging from a CPO perspective
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13.00 - 13.45: Karima Boukir and Kevin Lorenzo (Enedis)
Power Quality Guidelines - Six recommendations
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14.00 - 14.45: Vangelis Kotsakis (Ispra)
EV Idle Time Estimation on Charging Infrastructure
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15:00 - 15:45: Thijs van Wijk (ElaadNL)
10 years of Testing electric vehicles and charging stations
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-- Thursday July 8 --
10.00 - 10.45: Sharmistha Bhattacharyya and Marvin Wijnand (Enexis)
Power Quality issues in the distribution network
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11.00 - 11.45: Helko van den Brom (VSL)
Electromagnetic interference between DC and 150 kHz: beyond current standardization
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13.00 - 13.45: Zian Qin (TU Delft)
Power quality of EV charging station – a power electronics perspective
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14.00 -14.45: Jil Sutaria (Lulea University)
Impact of supraharmonics and quasi-dc on the operation of residual current devices
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15.00 - 15.45: Tim Slangen (TU Eindhoven)
Measuring and modelling the supraharmonic emissions from EV fast-chargers
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If you want to re-watch the sessions from last year click here or for the summary click here. If you have any further questions or recommendations, please contact us.
Best regards, PQ-team ElaadNL,
Thijs van Wijk – Test lab manager
Tim Slangen – PhD researcher Power Quality