Energy Now 2018 Storage and Conversion
May 17 2018Â Energy Now: storage and conversion
Energy Now 2018 a short report:
The host of the day Arash Aazami and the chairman Lieke van Essen (Team Energy) opened the first session and introduced the first keynote speaker Richard van de Sanden director of DIFFER.
Keynote Richard van de Sanden (Differ)
The institute DIFFER is specialized in energy related research. DIFFER stands for Dutch Institute For Fundamental Energy Research. Emphasis is on Fusion Energy and Solar Fuels. In his keynote Richard described the status of worldwide CO2 emissions in relation to the Paris agreement of 2015. A lot needs to be done to go to a CO2 neutral energy system in 2050. Renewable energy sources like PV and wind will be intermittent. Therefore, storage of energy is important. To storage energy properly conversion into other types of energy is important.
Bild 1: Richard van de Sanden on Solar Fuels.
He described a method to reuse CO2 as a base for solar fuels. Dissociation of CO2 to CO is achieved by plasma technologies.
Settalk Andreas Plenk (Alfen)
The Alfen company provides storage facilities for all kind of applications. One of their containers with 500 kWh storage with control was on show. Andeas gave an inspirational talk on the options his company provides. In his opinion energy will be available for a fixed fee in the future. Like nowadays internet and mobile phone. Storage will be available on a district level and can be combined to virtual power plants.
Breakout sessions
Topics in the built environment, Industry, Transport and Mobility and Energy Production and Infrastructure were covered in the 14 breakout sessions.
TenneT session
In this session the capacity and stability of the 50Hz network were discussed. The question to the workshop participants was how to maintain the system balance in the future by using a flexibility market.
Innoenergy session
Often home owner want to improve the energy performance of their home/flat/neighborhood. In this workshop the groups were asked to come up with proposals for three cases based on the budget available and the requirements. For the game solutions options were given with their cost and consequences.
Panel session
The third Energy Now symposium was concluded by a panels session on the Dutch Climate Agreement. Questions like what the goals are and how can they be reached were discussed. What about heat nets, geothermal heat and aviation? The public agreed with a large majority that carbon capture and storage (CCS) is not a real option.
Energy Now is a yearly organised congress aimed at students from different disciplines within the technical university, but is also very interesting for professionals from science and business. The congress outlines recent developments regarding the energy transition through several elements. Inspirational talks will highlight promising and interesting topics and challenges these bring forward. During interactive workshops given by a variety of companies, students and professionals collaborate to find solutions to energy-related cases on a more in-depth level. The multi-disciplinary exhibition floor enables participants to share and discuss their perspectives. Through a panel discussion these different perspectives are connected and the future of the energy transition is discussed.
The energy transition is a topic with high societal relevance, some important changes need to be made in order to maintain life as we know it today. Initiating these changes is challenging and not only awareness and willingness are needed, but also new creative ideas and smart technical innovations. The goal of Energy Now is to inform, inspire, and connect students with the different stakeholders in the field of energy: from researchers to professionals, from business to science. By highlighting recent challenges and technical innovations in the sector, students can discover the various ways they can contribute to the transition towards sustainable energy.
“Storage & Conversion: the key to a sustainable energy system” is the theme of Energy Now 2018. The transition to a world powered by sustainable energy is up and running. Although energy sources such as solar and wind are successful, major steps still need to be taken to reach the targets as agreed on in Paris 2015. One of the issues with the most used sustainable energy resources is their weather-dependency: they do not produce on a constant level. Therefore, supply and demand are not meeting in the current system. On top of that, to take the energy transition to the next level and phase out fossil fuels, working alternatives to polluting activities in sectors such as industry and mobility are needed. Energy Now 2018 will take a closer look at the possible solutions for the missing links in the transition to a sustainable system, which can be found in the storage and conversion of energy.
For more information see our website: www.energy-now.nl
Only KIVI members will have an reduced tecket Professional, use the kortingcode (sent by mail).
Symposium Energy-Now is organized by the Team Energy of the Technical University of Eindhoven.
To be announced see www.energy-now.nl
Noord Brabantlaan 1A, 5652 LA Eindhoven
Team Energy Eindhoven (TU/e)
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Dr.Ir. Steven Luitjens Member of the Royal Netherlands Engineering Society, department Electrical Engineering, Team EnergyNL2050 (see www.kivi.nl/energyNL2050)
Congress Energy-Now 2018 Storage & Convertion
Impression of Energy-Now 2017 and 2016
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by upper link "Energy Now Congress 2018 Storage and Convention" or http://www.energy-now.nl/registration (Professionals)