Team Energy-Now

Energy-Now was organized by a group of seven enthusiastic students who spend almost a year of preparation. The organizing committee is headed by Martijn Wijers and is part of student platform Team Energy at the TU/e.

The goal is to activate the discussion on the subjects of energy and smart grids, as wide as possible. Energy Now is supported by many organizations. This includes the TU/e with the Strategic Area Energy (SAE), one of the three strategic areas of the university.

Jim Stolze was present as host of the day. He started the program after his arrival on a solar bike. First speaker was David Smeulders (Professor in Energy Technology) about issues with smart grids and energy storage, specifically related to the large fluctuations in electric energy from sun and wind. Smart grids and storage are needed to build a reliable energy supply system.

Next three inspiring talks, SETalks (Sustainable Energy Talks), about formic acid as option for cars and (VDL) busses, stimulating the energy transition using a business model where more money is earned by selling less energy,  and innovative solutions like the micro-grid  used in the Blijburg restaurant at  the beach at IJburg Amsterdam.

The next part of the program consisted of interactive workshops. Five workshops before lunch and five after lunch. During the lunch there was a poster session from various institutes and companies. Ample opportunity to get information and do some networking. In the workshops a problem was defined and explained by the owner of the workshop. During the session information was exchanged and options for solutions generated.

Review of the attended workshops:
The topic of the Eneco workshop was making the City of Utrecht energy neutral in 2030. The conclusion was clear, something has to be done to get the user involved and motivated to make things happen.
Nuon discussed their plans to “store” energy by producing Ammonia and storing it for later use in the Magnum power plant in Eemshaven.  It was explained how this could contribute to the lowering of CO2 emission as needed for the Paris agreement on climate change last autumn.

NERA/ECN/DIFFER organized a workshop on  the Dutch Science Agenda  . The question was to give the priority at the roadmap for the energy transition and to focus and to zoom in. A pre-set model “Playing field of the energy transition” (Simplified picture for the Dutch Research Agenda) was very helpful. See here the NWA roadmap of the energy transition

Schneider Electric
The topic of the workshop with Schneider Electric was the adaptation of DC. Mr. Ton van den Ham formulated the problem to consider the basics needs for a complete Direct Current (DC) Installation in our houses or offices. Instead of the common AC (400 V/ 230 V AC) installations the DC installation is less energy consuming and safer, with lower costs to install. The question was to formulate the needed basics for the technical and political development of the DC systems. In both cases the urgent of an actual "Regulation on rules for DC installation" (as NEN 7250 for PV, and NPR 5310, NEN1010) was the most needed.

Panel session concluding Energy Now
Energy-Now was concluded with a panel session.
Different questions from the workshops were discussed. 
The answers gave a good picture of the issues coming up in an energy transition:

Joris Knigge: ‘’Storage of sustainable energy is only possible with use of a large amounts of energy with medium as hydrogen. An electric car with hydrogen battery is the real solution.’’

Geert Verbong: “Let’s get the user in the process of the energy transition!!”

For more info please have a look at the Energy-Now website 
or a  View The Energy-Now offical aftermovie 2016    .

More on DC is in the presentation " Een nieuw DC net, heeft dat wel zin? at June, 14 on the "Vermogenselektronica Event 2016"  and by DirectCurrent B.V. in: "Zonder gelijkspanning geen duurzame smart grids".

Report by Dr. Ir. Steven Luitjens and ing. Paul van Moerkerken
Members of Royal Dutch Engineering Society department Electrical.


Op 9 juni zal de eerste editie van het jaarlijkse congres Energy Now georganiseerd worden. Dit inspirerende congres wordt georganiseerd door Team Energy. Dit jaar is het thema energieopslag en smart grids. De dagvoorzitter is Jim Stolze, mede-organisator in het televisieprogramma Toekomstmakers op RTLZ en oprichter van TEDxAmsterdam.

Energy Now benadert de energietransitie vanuit een verhelderend perspectief. Dit wordt bereikt door te focussen op huidige kansen die worden veroorzaakt door de transitie. Veelbelovende innovaties en ontwikkelingen op energiegebied worden uitgelicht vanuit verschillende perspectieven, zoals onderzoek, academisch, bedrijven en ondernemers. Het evenement creëert de mogelijkheid om de verbinding tussen deze verscheidene partijen te versterken.

Vijf redenen om deel te nemen aan het congres:
1. Maak deel uit van HET energiecongres in Nederland voor zowel studenten en professionals;
2. Geniet van inspirerende ‘Sustainable Energy Talks’ gegeven door ondernemers, studenten en visionairs;
3. Maak gebruik van de unieke mogelijkheid om te netwerken met high-potential studenten en professionals;
4. Krijg meer inzicht in de meest recente innovaties en ontwikkelingen binnen het thema;
5. Werk samen in dynamische break-out sessies met een multidisciplinair publiek.

Voor meer informatie over het Congress Energy Now, zie

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Dagvoorzitter is Jim Stolze, mede-organisator in het televisieprogramma Toekomstmakrs op RTLZ en oprichter van TEDxAmsterdam.

Prof. dr. ir. D.M.J. (David) Smeulders, TU/e, Faculteit Werktuigbouwkunde, Energy Technology, afdeling Strategic Area Energy.

Joris Knigge, graduated at Delft University of Technology with a Master’s degree in Systems Engineering, Policy and Management, is working within the energy sector for over a decade now.

Huibert Baud studied Engineering Physics at Delft University of Technology and worked at several departments at energy company Nuon and Dutch network company Alliander.

Laetitia Ouillet, Eneco - Director Corporate Strategy

Arash Aazami (1977) is entrepreneur, system innovator and vision developer. In 2010 he founded the world’s first energy independence company. Now he is with ‘Kamangir | Beyond Boundaries’ developing long-term visions and corresponding strategies and models for the major social issues such as energy, finance and data. His firm’s clients include the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Province of South-Holland, the International Energy Agency, Alliander and E.ON.


Auditorium - TU/e Science Park

Den Dolech 2, 5612 AZ EINDHOVEN



Team Energy Eindhoven

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Dr. Ir. Steven Luijtjens

Congres Energy Now June 9, 2-16

KIVI-E Program EnergyNL2050

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de website van het Congress Energy Now op De KIVI leden kunnen de kortingscode gebruiken, die bij de uitnodiging is meegezonden.