Presentaties TUe Bachelor-eindprojecten
23-06-2017 report of KIVI award for Bachelor Final Projects (Steven)
This is the season that the students finish their year just before the holidays. Therefore, at the Electrical Engineer (EE) faculty a lot of the Bachelor projects are completed and the reports must be finished and the results must be presented to obtain the grade and finalize the Bachelor period. In close cooperation with EE an event is organized to give the KIVI-award to the best Bachelor project. Four projects were nominated by the EE faculty. The ranking of the projects is done by the KIVI-jury based on the Bachelor report, the presentation and the Q@A after the presentation.
The nominations were assigned to:
- Marvin Braat: “Brake control of regenerative and hydraulic braking in formula student race car” The project deals with the control of regenerative braking used in the URE racing car. Special attention for a good feel of the brake with proper regeneration efficiency. For the optimal result an additional sensor in the brake pedal was applied.
- Yuanlong Li: “A web application for the simulation of Day-Ahead Markets”. Yuanlong worked on a web-app to easily show the effects of demand and supply of electricity by generators and power stations. The program allows an easy way to define the power system and find solutions for the optimal settings for the generators based on the demand and the network capabilities. The App is based on a browser/backend architecture with Python used to simulate the network in the backend and transfer the results to the browser.
- Fer Radstake: “Automated analysis of neuronal activity: a calcium imaging analyser”. There is a lot of research to do an analysis of the activity of neurons in biological tissues. Such an analysis shows the activity of the neuron cells and enables closer investigations of the effect of medicines on the activity. The tissue is attached to a substrate and put under a microscope for analysis. With a set of filters and additional analysis techniques Fer showed that automation is possible to a large extend. This is helping the biological researchers a lot to ease analysis.
- Roel Budé: “Design of the Antenne Elments of the Eindhoven Radio Telescope”. There is the intention to realize a radio telescope in Eindhoven (ERT). Like the LOFAR system it should consist of many receivers (and antennas) who’s signals are correlated to obtain a picture of the universe. The ERT is mend for the 80-300 MHz frequency range. The antenna was designed by simulating the field properties and from those results a design was defined. Next the antenna was realized and tested. Test showed expected antenna behavior although some questions remain to be answered.
After some deliberation, the jury decided to give the KIVI-award to:
Fer Radstake. Congratulations FER!!
Studenten van de driejarige Bachelor’s opleiding Electrical Engineering ronden die af met onderzoek- of ontwerpprojecten, afkomstig uit lopend onderzoek van de faculteit. Deze middag presenteren zij hun werk. Voor U, als gast bij de faculteit Electrical Engineering, een goede gelegenheid om te horen wat zij hebben gepresteerd. Vaak kunt U ook werkende resultaten bekijken en na afloop met studenten, docenten en opdrachtgevers praten over de inhoud van de projecten. Een jury zal namens de docenten en het KIVI aan het beste project de KIVI Regio jaarprijs uitreiken.
De precieze inhoud van het programma zal twee weken van te voren bekend worden gemaakt.
Studenten van de Bachelor’s opleiding Electrical Engineering
Universiteit Eindhoven, gebouw FLUX,
De Groeneloper 19, 5612 AP Eindhoven
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Dr. Ir. J. (Jan) Vleeshouwers, M. 06 16 90 66 29