TU/e | EIRES Lunch lecture Interactions of burning particles with a turbulent flow: problems and methodology by Benedicte Cuenot
EIRES - Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems kindly invites you to join the thirty-eighth EIRES Lunch lecture on Friday 20 January 2023 | 12h00 - 13h00 (CET).
This online lunch lecture is organized by Niels Deen and John van der Schaaf, principal scientists EIRES | Focus Area - Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems.
Focus Area
The interaction of a cloud of particles with a turbulent flow is a complex subject which depends on many parameters of the particles such as their density, their statistical distribution of size, their inertia, or their shape. These parameters impact the particle trajectories which, combined with the higher or lower number density in the cloud, lead to different regimes of interaction with the flow and different structures of the concentration field of the particles. When these particles undergo exothermic chemical reactions, as in the case of burning iron particles, the interaction with the flow is further influenced by the temperature of the particles and of the carrier phase.
In this lecture, Benedicte Cuenot will outline the details of the physical mechanisms of burning particles in turbulent flow that result in the interactions mentioned above. She will then present the methodology for modelling and simulating these phenomena in the contexts of Direct Numerical Simulation and Larg
De interactie van een wolk van deeltjes met een turbulente stroming is een complex onderwerp dat afhangt van vele parameters van de deeltjes, zoals hun dichtheid, hun statistische verdeling van grootte, hun traagheid of hun vorm. Deze parameters beïnvloeden de trajecten van de deeltjes die, in combinatie met de hogere of lagere aantaldichtheid in de wolk, leiden tot verschillende regimes van interactie met de stroming en verschillende structuren van het concentratieveld van de deeltjes. Wanneer deze deeltjes exotherme chemische reacties ondergaan, zoals in het geval van brandende ijzerdeeltjes, wordt de interactie met de stroming verder beïnvloed door de temperatuur van de deeltjes en van de dragerfase.
In deze lezing zal Benedicte Cuenot de details schetsen van de fysische mechanismen van brandende deeltjes in turbulente stroming die resulteren in de bovengenoemde interacties. Vervolgens zal ze de methodologie presenteren voor het modelleren en simuleren van deze fenomenen in de context van Direct Numerical Simulation en Large Eddy Simulation. Actuele uitdagingen en onderzoeksonderwerpen komen eindelijk aan de orde.
Deze lezing sluit aan op het KIV E Lunch webinar: ‘IJZERsterke energietransitie met vuurwerk’ door Conrad Hessels op 18 januari 2023 om 12:00 u. - 13:00 u.
About the speaker
Dr-HdR B. Cuenot obtained her engineering and master degree from Ecole Centrale de Paris in 1990. After one year as research engineer in the University of Boulder (CO, USA), she came back to France where she defended her PhD in 1995 and HdR in 2000, both in the field of numerical combustion. She is now the leader of the Energy & Propulsion research group at CERFACS, developing advanced and massively parallel softwares for the numerical simulation (DNS and LES) of turbulent reacting flows, plasma flows and heat transfer (including thermal radiation) in academic and industrial systems. Since 2021, she is part-time professor at TU/e in the Power and Flow group. Dr. Cuenot has authored about 130 peer-reviewed journal papers on the topics of pollutant emissions, ignition and extinction, combustion efficiency, alternative fuels and heat transfer in combustion chambers. She has been distinguished as a Fellow of the Combustion Institute in 2018 and is a member of the Editorial Board of Combustion and Flame since 2018. She was co-Chair of the 39th International Symposium in Combustion, held in Vancouver in July 2022.
12h00 - 12h05
by Niels Deen - TU/e | EIRES
12h05 - 12h35
Interactions of burning particles with a turbulent flow: problems and methodology
by Benedicte Cuenot - CERFACS and TU/e | Thermo-Fluids Engineering (TFE)
12h35 - 12h55
Questions & Answers
led by John van der Schaaf - TU/e | EIRES
12h55 - 13h00
Wrap up & Announcements
by Mark Boneschanscher - TU/e | EIRES
Registration is mandatory
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