Moral Responsibility in R&D Networks
"The introduction of new technologies can be accompanied by risks and unforeseen side-effects, often with high impact. If no-one is responsible for addressing these risks and side-effects, the implementation of technologies might result in harmful consequences for society. It is therefore desirable that the prevention of these negative aspects of technology is already taken into account explicitly in Research and Development (R&D). However, even if most people would agree that the people working in R&D have a professional responsibility to address these issues, it is not clear who exactly should address it and how. Is it the responsibility of the fundamental or applied researchers working in the laboratory or should it be delegated to the technology producers at the end of the chain? One of the problems with professional responsibility is that people have different views on responsibility and the question under what conditions one is responsible. This may ultimately lead to gaps in the distribution of responsibilities because people may expect someone else to assume the remaining responsibilities. In my thesis, I discuss an alternative approach to distributing responsibilities. Rather than developing one substantive conception of the responsibility of professionals, a procedural approach for distributing responsibilities is developed. The idea behind this procedural approach is that people may agree on the procedure for distributing the responsibilities, even if they do not have the same substantive view on responsibility. The model is illustrated with a case study on a technological project concerning the development of an in-house monitoring system based on ambient technology."
Het (jaar)thema “De verwevenheid van ethiek en technologie” wordt gepresenteerd door promovendi van het 3TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology”. De lezingen zijn gericht op ingenieurs die geïnteresseerd zijn in beschouwingen over onder meer de politieke en morele lading van techniek en die de sprekers feedback willen geven vanuit hun eigen ervaringen. Voor nadere informatie kan een e-mail bericht worden gestuurd naar . Van de zijde van het 3TU.centre wordt het programma gecoördineerd door Dr Claudia Basta. Website:
Neelke Doorn MSc MA, behaalde haar twee Master Degrees respectievelijk in Civiele Techniek aan de TUD en in Filosofie aan de Universiteit Leiden. Neelke Doorn heeft als ingenieur tien jaar werkervaring op het gebied van coastal engineering, zij was vier jaar verbonden aan de Radboud Universiteit in het Centre of Ethics en zij deed in 2010 aan het Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm onderzoek op het gebied van risico filosofie. Zij is PhD student aan de Afdeling Filosofie van de Technische Universiteit Delft, waar zij werkt aan het project "Morele verantwoordelijkheid in R&D netwerken".
Vergadercentrum, Vredenburg 19
Filosofie & Techniek
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Nadere informatie bij Henk Uijttenhout (vz), tel.: 070 - 3875293 / 06 - 42505844 of via onderstaand e-mailadres.