The Visual Code Navigator
Program understanding is an important aspect of software maintenance. Current industrial projects are often based on collaborative development of millions of code lines. Industry practice studies have shown that, during maintenance, developers spend 50% of their time on understanding this code. Additionally, managers take decisions based on intuition rather than hard facts. In this context, software visualization addresses several facets of program and process understanding, such as reverse engineering, process recovery and execution, and algorithm animation. In this presentation, I focus on the first goal. I introduce the Visual Code Navigator (VCN), a toolset that provides different, but strongly interconnected views on software source code. VCN aims to help the maintainer understand the structure and changes of large software systems. This increases the productivity of developers and enables managers to take informed decisions during software maintenance.
De spreker is onlangs gepromoveerd op het onderwerp "kwaliteitsverbetering van software". De lezing wordt gegeven in het Engels.
Spreker(s) Lucian Voinea
NH Hotel, Jaarbeursplein 24, Utrecht
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Congresbureau KIVI NIRIA, telefoon 070-3919890