ALV / GMM KIVI International Engineers 2023
Subject: KIE General Members Assembly 2023 (Algemeen Ledenvergadering ALV)
Date: 23 February 2023, 18:30
Location: HYBRID – Live at KIVI, Den Haag and Online at MS-Teams
Present online:
1.Opening and welcome
The chair, Gulsum Hilal van der Holst, opens the meeting at 18:30 and welcomes everyone.
The meeting is held in English.
2.Communications, board members, and a word of thanks
Fengchao Gu, Melika Sajadian, Mohamed Oanallah, Ahmed Mohamed, and Jun Wang are presented as candidates for the board and their CVs was shared before the meeting. They introduced themselves and a voting is held on the new board formation as follows:
Dr. Hilal van der Holst, Chair (Voorzitter)
Ir. Teng Wu, Secretary (Secretaris)
Ir. Melika Sajadian, Treasurer (Penningmeester)
Ir. Fengchao Gu, General member (Algemeen bestuurslid)
Ir. Mohamed Oanallah, General member (Algemeen bestuurslid)
Ir. Ahmed Mohamed, General member (Algemeen bestuurslid)
Dr. Jun Wang, General member (Algemeen bestuurslid)
The new board is elected unanimously and herewith instated as of 23rd February 2023.
3.Annual report 2022
The 2022 annual report is presented. Insights and observations are shared. Hybrid events have a higher attendance with respect to live events. Audience appreciates events about innovative and diverse technologies, career development and entrepreneurship, and collaborations between industry and academy.
Afterwards, the upcoming event agenda for 2023 is presented.
The annual report shows that the number of KIE members is on the rise since 2017, which is a positive trend. As on 1 Jan 2023, 303 members are registered as KIE members in the KIVI database, but we already see a positive growth by the time this report was written, and expect this to continue as well.
In terms of communication, the KIE webpage is continuously updated with the events and the section also has a LinkedIn page.
4. Finance 2022
The 2022 financial usage was EUR 3,935.16, out of an approved budget of EUR 4,077.80. The treasury committee (kascommissie) reviewed and approved the financial statements of 2021.
The KIE financial statement of 2022 is approved.
5. Annual plan and budget 2023
The annual plan and the budget 2023 are presented and approved.
6. Closure
The chair thanks everyone for their time and attention. She invites all the engineers to join activities and to come forward with ideas. All the board members can be contacted by mail or phone.
The meeting is closed at 19:00.
ALV / GMM KIVI International Engineers 2023
Date: February 23rd, 2023
Time: 18:30 - 19:00
Location: Live at KIVI Headquarters, Den Haag (Teams link to be sent after registration)
Dear KIE member,
The board of the section KIVI International Engineers invites you to the General Members' Meeting.
The agenda is:
- Opening and welcome by Dr. Gulsum Hilal van der Holst, Chair KIE
- News and board member updates
- Activities:
- Annual report 2022
- Plan 2023
- Finances
- Budget 2022 for approval
- Budget 2023 for approval
- Any other business
- Closure
After you sign up, you will be sent the link for the meeting.
At 19:00, the event 'VLV medical: AI for the nerve identification’ will start.
Kind regards,
KIVI International Engineers Board