
During the workshop you will build your own solar cooker and put it to the test. Afterwards you'll take your newly hand build Fortune Cooker home.
With the Fortune Cooker you can conveniently boil, fry and cook when the sun is shining with ZERO emission!

09:30-10:00 Introduction with coffee

10:00-13:00 Building your own Fortune Cooker!

13:00-15:00 “Testing” your newly build Fortune Cooker with drinks


Leon Simons
The last five years Leon Simons has been introducing and improving new energy technologies to developing countries. Especially solar cooking as it is the cleanest and cheapest way to cook for the 2.5 billion people who are currently still wood dependent. In Ethiopia he manufactured and adapted Fortune Cookers with the local communities.



Keileweg 2 3029 BS Rotterdam


KIVI International Engineers

Sunny Simons, Young Club Of Rome

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Jasper Flapper

Aanmelden niet KIVI-leden

The Fortune Cooker concept

Leon Simons - Sunny Simons