SRE: Our effort for Refugee Camps
Today we will learn about the challenges in the Engineering of Sustainable Solutions for basic humanitarian needs in the refugee camps. The students from The Hague University of Applied Sciences have in cooperation with Engineers without Borders and with contribution of Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland, Red Cross and Stichting Vluchteling worked on smart solutions for Syrian refugee camps. They will present their solutions which will be challenged by the engineers from EWB in the interactive discussion after the presentations. Together we will discuss the feasibility of implementing these projects by Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland. Also the user and prototyping research results of the EWB fortune cooker project will be presented in cooperation with S4S and TUD. This could be another interesting technology for refugee camps.
Prinsessegracht 23, Den Haag
KIVI International Engineers
The Hague University
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Petra Beris