
Kennisvalorisatie Health & Technolgy

Programma i.s.m. WISE (Network Women in Science Eindhoven) van de TU/e.
De voertaal deze avond is Engels.

19.00 uur: Ontvangst met koffie/thee en hapjes

19.30 uur: Opening van het avond-café

4 Lezingen over kennisvalorisatie Health & Technology

Carlijn Bouten, Professor Cell matrix interaction in cardiovasculair regeneration at TU/e and Coordinator Smart Interventions, Health TU/e
Title: Strategic Area 'Health'

Carla Koen, Professor of Technology Management and Entrepreneurship at TiasNimbas Business School, Tilburg; Director of European Institute for Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship (EIBI)
Title: Entrepreneurship as a critical tool for knowledge valorization

Eline van Beest, Founder and managaging Director at NightBalance

Linda van den Bedem, Postdoc at TU/e, Mechanical Engineering and inventor SOFIE, a robot system for minimal invasive surgery
Title: A surgical robot for minimally invasive surgery, from idea to business plan

20.50 uur: Eind-discussie en afsluiting

21.00-22.00 uur: Informele borrel



Grote Zaal in de Kennispoort


Medische Technologie

i.s.m. WISE van TU/e

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

KIVI-NIRIA afdeling BMT: Elfride Dijkstra


Program in English

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