
The increase of the global population and expanding coastal mega-cities will necessitate an innovative pursuit of the utilization of the ocean space in which mega-floaters will play an important role in the future. These types of structures are very large floating artificial islands that can be used for various facilities and purposes similar to those on land. Compared to landfill methods mega-floaters generally have a smaller environmental impact than traditional land reclamation projects. They are indifferent to earthquakes and can be constructed at relatively low cost in a short period of time, independent of ocean depth and seabed conditions.

On 1 February 2010, Jan van Kessel defended his PhD thesis which describes the dynamic behavior of aircushion supported mega-floaters in waves. These types of structures are supported by a large volume of air which is entrapped underneath the structure by vertical walls that extend sufficiently far underneath the water surface in a way that no air will escape when waves pass by.

A conventional mega-float structure has to be protected by breakwaters if it is located in open seas. These breakwaters will reduce the wave loads on the structure, but add to the total costs of the mega-float project. Breakwaters may be omitted if the structure is supported by aircushions that will reduce the wave induced bending moments.

The results of the study have shown that an aircushion supported structure has significant advantages compared to conventional mega-floaters. In addition, the computational method as developed and proposed proved to be a suitable tool to optimize the cushion configuration for a particular application.

19.30 uur Koffie
20.00 uur Aanvang voordrachten


Jan van Kessel


INHOLLAND Auditorium (2de verdieping)

Rotterdamseweg 141, Delft


Maritieme Techniek

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