
Azure Naval Architects is an independent Dutch design office dedicated to providing design, engineering, construction supervision and support for new building or refitting of luxury motor yachts between 30 and 160 m length.
Azure Naval Architects is very pleased to announce that Motor Yacht ”Cakewalk” has been delivered to her proud Owners. She has been a milestone project both for the Owner and the yard. She also really represents a great example of teamwork between all the parties involved.
Motor yacht “Cakewalk” was launched on the 8th of August 2010 marking a truly significant occasion for the Derecktor shipyard. MY “Cakewalk”, at 85.6M, is by far the largest private yacht ever built in the United States. When the stunning six deck, 2998 gross ton vessel floated off Derecktor’s 4000 ton dry-dock into the waters of Bridgeport harbour, it was the high point of an effort never before seen in American yacht building. Many seasoned figures in the yacht industry have been very impressed by the finish and general quality of the vessel, leading to comparisons to the best European made yachts.
The yacht is a keen balance between strength, legislation, weight, performance and luxury. During the presentation Mr. van Wieringen will focus on the technical issues of the design.

19.30 uur Koffie
20.00 uur Aanvang voordrachten


Hugo van Wieringen (Azure Naval Architects)


Faculty Room, 3mE - TU Delft, bereikbaar via de

achteringang a/d Leeghwaterstraat 17 direct rechts


Maritieme Techniek

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Nadere informatie bij Erik de Ridder via onderstaand e-mailadres.