
Jumbo Offshore and its client Technip USA have completed the installation of 5 Free Standing Hybrid Risers (FSHR's) in smooth and successful collaboration. In 5 weeks time, HLV Fairplayer (one of Jumbo's two DP2 offshore Heavy Lift Vessels) transported and installed the 350 t buoyancy cans and 430 t risers for the Cascade & Chinook ultra-deepwater project (2500m) in the Gulf of Mexico. The following items will be discussed:

* engineering & preparatory activities;
* collecting and transporting the buoyancy cans;
* heavy lift operations as part of the installation works in close cooperation with Technip's
* construction vessels Deep Blue and Deep Pioneer;
* supporting Technip by providing expertise on heavy lift and transport during the project.

19.30 uur Koffie
20.00 uur Aanvang voordrachten


Ir. Richard L. Krabbendam (Jumbo).


'Faculty Room', Gebouw van W&S, Mekelweg 2, Delft

(Door hoofdingang langs collegezalen einde links)


Maritieme Techniek

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Nadere informatie bij Erik de Ridder via onderstaand e-mailadres.