
Surging demand for natural gas and the plentiful amount of reserves of this cleanest fossil fuel, highlight the value of innovative floating solutions that can bring liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the marketplace in a fast-track, cost-effective, flexible, and reliable manner. After having successfully pioneered in this field with the introduction of LNG Regasification Vessels (LNGRV) in 2005 and Ship-to-Ship transfer technology in 2006, EXMAR is currently developing what will be world’s first Floating Liquefaction Unit. Mr. Saverys will provide insight into EXMAR’s innovative LNG infrastructure solutions and highlight the commercial and technical challenges of EXMAR’s current liquefaction project.

6:15 PM Supper sponsored by company of the presenter*
7:00 PM Starting time lecture
9:30 PM Closure
* Please indicate with your registration.


Nicolas Saverys, CEO Exmar


Faculty Room & Room A, 3mE, TU Delft, accessible

through the entrance at Leeghwaterstraat 17


Maritieme Techniek

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Mirek Kaminski

Website Exmar