MARIN Propulsion and Fuel Economy
Based on the results of many ship model tests and computations, ir. Enrico Della Valentina gives an overview of marine propulsion systems with their efficiencies and possible applications; several aspects in the fuel economy of new designs and existing ships (re-fitting) will be presented with practical solutions and their impact in the hydrodynamics of the design.
19.30 uur Koffie
20.00 uur Aanvang voordrachten
Enrico Della Valentina (Project Manager, Ship- Consultancy at MARIN).
De ’Faculty Room’ in het Gebouw van W&S is te bereiken door de hoofdingang langs de collegezalen aan het eind links.
'Faculty Room', gebouw van W & S
Mekelweg 2, Delft
Maritieme Techniek
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