Plug-in Tow
The use of greener harbour tugs is becoming ever more important to both contractors and authorities. As a result, OSD undertook to design a new energy efficient e-tug. The original concept was based around hydrogen power and the use of a fuel cell, but the latest solution is a design using a podded drive with a flexible diesel-electric configuration.
Please take special note of the adjusted program:
18.15 Supper, in front of lecture room A (Lagerhuysch is closed)
19.00 Lecture
20.30 Drinks, city center of Delft - 't Proeflokaal (Lagerhuysch closed)
't Proeflokaal
Gasthuislaan 36
2611 RB Delft
Ernst van Werkhoven, Project Engineer, Offshore Ship Designers (OSD) & Despoina Mitropoulou, Consultant, RH Marine
Faculty Room and Lecture Hall A - Faculty 3mE -
TU Delft, Leeghwaterstraat 17, 2628 CD Delft
Maritieme Techniek
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
KIVI Martec