
Erik de Neef, chairman of the Koninklijke Roeiers Vereeniging Eendracht (KRVE) and Harbourman of the year 2016, will take you on a journey in the world of the mooringmen from Rotterdam. A world consisting of mooring and unmooring of seagoing vessels, technical innovations, shipbuilding and maintenance, synchrolift, and mooring expertise as an export product.

The annual member meeting starting at 18:00 will precede the lecture.


Erik de Neef, Koninklijke Roeiers Vereeniging Eendracht (KRVE)


Faculty Room and Lecture Hall A - Faculty 3mE -

TU Delft, Leeghwaterstraat 17, 2628 CD Delft


Maritieme Techniek

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

KIVI Martec

Website KRVE

KIVI MARTEC jaarverslag 2016