Shipping The Wind
Offshore wind turbines are installed in various ways. At the start, some 20 years ago, all available tools were used to get the job done. Shear legs, small construction jack-ups, crane barges, converted coasters, etc. More cost efficient dedicated installation jack-ups have been developed since 15 years. The last 5 years, these jack-ups are showing up around the North Sea. With a background in the offshore oil and gas industry, GustoMSC has contributed to the design of these special jack-ups. The challenges and limitations will be presented.
6:15 PM Supper sponsored by company of the presenter*
7:00 PM Starting time lecture
9:30 PM Closure
* Please indicate with your registration.
Joop Mikx, Principle Consultant GustoMSC
Faculty Room & Room A, 3mE, TU Delft, accessible
through the entrance at Leeghwaterstraat 17
Maritieme Techniek
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Mirek Kaminski