
Offshore wind turbines are installed in various ways. At the start, some 20 years ago, all available tools were used to get the job done. Shear legs, small construction jack-ups, crane barges, converted coasters, etc. More cost efficient dedicated installation jack-ups have been developed since 15 years. The last 5 years, these jack-ups are showing up around the North Sea. With a background in the offshore oil and gas industry, GustoMSC has contributed to the design of these special jack-ups. The challenges and limitations will be presented.

6:15 PM Supper sponsored by company of the presenter*
7:00 PM Starting time lecture
9:30 PM Closure
* Please indicate with your registration.


Joop Mikx, Principle Consultant GustoMSC


Faculty Room & Room A, 3mE, TU Delft, accessible

through the entrance at Leeghwaterstraat 17


Maritieme Techniek

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Mirek Kaminski

Website GustoMSC