Slamming induced whipping
Slamming induced whipping can significantly increase the structural loading of ships. Although this is well-known, the whipping contribution to the structural loading is rarely taken into account when computing the structural loading. An exception are the "dynamic loading'' factors found in Classification Societies rules. Currently there are no commercial tools available to compute the seakeeping response including slamming induced whipping. This is the main reason for not accounting for the effects of whipping. Extensive research has been done on the subject of slamming impact and whipping response but an integral and computationally efficient method is not yet available for ship structure designers.
This was the starting point for a Ph.D. study which was carried out by Johan Tuitman. Within the framework of this Ph.D. study, a practical method to calculate the global and local response of the ship structure due to the seakeeping loading, including the slamming loading, has been developed. The method contains the full hydro-elastic coupling. An overview of this method will be given during this presentation.
Validation and application of the developed method will also be presented.
Copies of the Ph.D. thesis will be available at the presentation, but they can also be requested via
19.30 uur Koffie
20.00 uur Aanvang voordrachten
Johan Truitman
'Faculty Room', Gebouw van W&S, Mekelweg 2, Delft
(Door hoofdingang langs collegezalen einde links)
Maritieme Techniek
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Nadere informatie bij Erik de Ridder via onderstaand e-mailadres.