Mechanics Symp.: Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing is as far as hypes go on the downward path, this however means that the technique is getting mature and opens many possibilities to the use in our field. Additive manufacturing does however exist of many different techniques and does require more research to become truly competitive with standard production methods.
Improving the quality of SLS printed parts (TU/e):
Selective laser sintering (SLS) is a 3D printing technology with the potential to fabricate products with complex design. Incomplete sintering of the polymer particles, results in significant remaining porosity as well as limited interlayer adhesion resulting in poor mechanical properties of products. To simplify this complex printing process, we built a dedicated experimental setup, which incorporates all the main features of an SLS machine and requires only two particles. At the same time in-situ visualization of the sintering dynamics by means of optical microscopy and X-rays diffraction allows us to track the dynamics of the neck growth between the particles and correlate the sintering behavior to the material and processing conditions. The combination of a full material characterization with sintering experiments under well-defined conditions will pave way for rational material design in SLS, a process that up to now is mainly based on trial-and-error.
A Materials Perspective (TUD):
There is currently considerable interest in additive manufacturing for a wide range of materials and applications. The focus in this presentation is on building metallic components on a large scale (with dimensions greater than 1 m), with emphasis on factors that influence material structure and properties. A material centric approach is outlined which will enable designers to grade and to tailor properties within monolithic structures, providing unique opportunities for increased functionality that cannot be realised by any other current manufacturing technology. Examples are drawn from recent part construction activities to illustrate what can be achieved and the scientific challenges and future perspectives are discussed.
Future development routes (TNO):
Additive Manufacturing has gone through rapid developments lately, bringing it more and more towards a production technology for real industrial products. The presentation will address AM from different perspectives: the material/process, the AM equipment, and the design/application perspective. The combination of these three will determine largely the potential success in terms of technology. In terms of potential business success, a lot will depend on the added value of AM products, the value chains behind these, and the speed of innovations towards quality, productivity, and cost down. Although AM has passed beyond the peak of the hype, still a lot of challenges lay ahead and many new AM applications will be discovered. The presentation will attempt to outline a few of such future developmen
Lambèrt van Breemen is an Assistant Professor in the Polymer Technology group at the Eindhoven University of Technology. His research currently focuses on contact mechanics, 3D printing, small length-scale mechanical testing of polymers and multi-scale analysis of intrinsic properties of polymer systems. His main field of research is contact mechanics, especially in the area where a polymer is one of the elements in contact.
Professor Ian Richardson is responsible for research activities in the field of welding technology at Delft University. His interests covering the physics of welding, large-scale additive manufacturing and welding process developments as well as all aspects of material response to welding, including microstructural development, microstructure, measurement and control of residual stress and distortion.
Gregor van Baars works at TNO as a project manager and system engineer since 2011. He has a background in Mechanical Engineering, Systems & Control. Among other activities, he works on development of industrial additive manufacturing (AM). This is done in the AMSYSTEMS center, which is a research collaboration between TNO and the TU/e High Tech System Cent
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