The Hoogendoorn Award 2019 has been awarded to Dr. Cees Voesenek

Dr. Cees Voesenek is the winner of the 2019 Hoogendoorn Award for his PhD thesis in Fluid Mechanics.

The jury for the Hoogendoorn Award 2019 comprised of Professor Arthur Veldman (RU Groningen; chair), Professor Wolfgang Schröder (RWTH Aachen) and  Dr. Tim Peeters (TATA Steel).

They have selected Dr. Cees Voesenek for his outstanding PhD research in the area of Fluid Mechanics. He defended his PhD thesis cum laude on 12th of June 2019 at Wageningen University. His promotor was professor Johan van Leeuwen (WUR) and his co-promotors where Dr. Florian Muijres and professor GertJan van Heijst (TUE). His research was performed at the research group of Experimental Zoology at Wageningen University.

The title of his PhD thesis was: How fish larvae swim - from motion to mechanics.

The Hoogendoorn Award will be awarded to Dr. Cees Voesenek at the Burgers Symposium, which will be held on 27 – 28 May 2020.


The Hoogendoorn Award is the award for the best PhD thesis on Fluid Mechanics in the Netherlands and is a collaboration between KIVI Mechanics and the J.M. Burgerscentrum (JMBC). More information can be found here.