Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion Systems
Lezing Theo Hofman: "Control and Design of Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion Systems"
De lezing is een gastcollege van de opleiding Master of Control Systems Engineering. Deze masteropleiding op het gebied van Meet- en Regeltechniek richt zich op de toepassing van geavanceerde regelingen in de praktijk. Buitenlandse studenten nemen ook deel aan het programma. De masteropleiding kan in voltijd maar ook in deeltijd worden gevolgd. De opleiding begint jaarlijks half september.
Beschrijving: "Designing a hybrid drive train is a complex and difficult task due to the large design space, interdependency of the design parameters and the unknown sensitivity of the design parameters to the design objectives. The main design objectives of a vehicle are related to environmental (fuel economy, emissions) and dynamic performance (e.g., acceleration time 0-100 km/h). Different hybrid vehicles are available on the vehicle market: Honda Civic IMA, Toyota Prius, Lexus 400h. However, the question is: how to design a hybrid vehicle drive train? Solving this design problem implies finding solutions to design choices regarding sizing of components, the topology, the component technology and the control strategy".
18:00 u Ontvangst met koffie
18:15 u Aanvang lezing door Theo Hofman. Onderwerp: "Control and Design of Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion Systems.
Over de spreker:
Theo Hofman studied Mechanical Engineering (MSc) at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. He performed his graduation project 'The design of a miniaturised cryocooler' at Thales-Cryogenics BV. After his graduation in 1999, he worked for four years at Thales as a development engineer on the development of small Stirling and Pulse-Tube cryocoolers for various applications (Defense, Space Industry). In 2007 he received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering. Since 2007 he is a postdoc researcher at the section Control Systems Technology. His research interests are modeling, design and control of hybrid vehicle drivetrains. Since 2004, he is a member of the IEEE Vehicle, Propulsion and Power (VPP) International Program Committee. Since 2006, he is also an Associate-Editor of the Int. J. of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles. In 2006, he received the 'Youth Paper Award' for his contribution to the 22nd International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition in Japan.
Hogeschool Arnhem/Nijmegen (HAN), Fac. Techniek
Ruitenberglaan 26, Arnhem, Ruimte F112/113
Meet-, Regel- en Besturingstechnologie
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Nadere informatie via Mevr. Tanja Vermeulen, 026 - 3658156 of via onderstaand e-mailadres.
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