
Lezing over de klimaatregeling in tuinbouwkassen:

The focus of Priva is to enable a greenhouse climate where crops and flowers florish, still minimizing costs and maximizing benefits for the owner. Theo Rieswijk will discuss this subject, starting on system level with an introduction of the complexity of climate control with its numerous subsystems and possibly conflicting requirements. As case, the concept of the closed greenhouse is taken, with functionality as heating and cooling, CO2 enrichment, humidity control and system components as a boiler, cogeneration, airconditioners, energy buffers. As a specific example of a control solution, the interaction between temperature and humidity will be discussed in more detail. Here, a combination of models based on physics and decision based control results in some unconventional solutions.

Deze lezing maakt deel uit van een serie van drie gastdocenten bij de opleiding Control Systems Engineering aan de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen.

20.00-21.30 hrs


Theo Rieswijk, Priva Hortimations


Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen

B 1.12, Ruitenberglaan 26, 6826 CC ARNHEM


Meet-, Regel- en Besturingstechnologie

HAN: Master Control Systems Engineering

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Secretariaat MRB