
The symposium of C.T.S.G. Alembic will take place on the 22nd of November 2012 in HR C101 at the University Campus.
The theme of this symposium is “Chemical Solutions”.

Keeping in mind the global call for sustainability, this theme focuses on the future, in which chemistry will fulfil an important role in the search for innovations that will change the world.

During the symposium, lecturers with an academic background and those working in the chemical industry will enlighten you on how chemistry has the power to answer the call for a more sustainable future. The focus shall be put on the process engineering in chemistry, but other aspects of chemistry will also be discussed.

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Universiteit Twente

De Horst, zaal C101


Nederlandse Procestechnologen

CTSG Alembic

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Symposiumcommissie Alembic

Chemical Solutions

CTSG Alembic

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