
TNO - Process and Instrumentation Development Lab overview.
The expertise and experimental facilities of the former Gas Treatment department are focused on gas related processes. We have a unique collection of equipment that allows us to investigate and develop system sizes ranging from a single molecule up to an entire pilot facility. Our activities involve the development of innovative processes, proof of concepts, and the validation of simulation models. Our main focus is currently on CCS, Renewable gas treatment and gas transformation/valorization (e.g. algae).

In our laboratories you will see, amongst others, the following:

- Gas-liquid separation processes based on regenerative solvents for removal of H2S, SOx and CO2 from natural gas, biogas and flue-gasses
- Solvent test street (VLE)
- Membrane contactors for purification of biogas, natural gas, or flue gas
- Selective membrane test set-up
- Mobile gas treatment plants
- Dedicated H2S test equipment
- Algae CO2 capture and transformation set-up

17.00 uur Ontvangst

17.15 uur Presentatie door TNO

17.45 uur Uitgebreide rondleiding in kleine groepjes langs verschillende proefopstellingen

18.45 uur Broodje met koffie, netwerken

19.05 uur Plenair: discussie over nut en noodzaak van CO2 afvang, consequenties, alternatieven.

19.50 uur Samenvatting, afsluiting



Leeghwaterstraat 46, 2628 CA Delft


Nederlandse Procestechnologen

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Johan van der Kamp