
Lezingenavond met als onderwerp:
“Transportation and installation of a Compliant Tower in Angola“

Cabinda Gulf Oil Company (CABGOC), a Chevron Corporation affiliate, has installed a new Drilling and Production Platform (DPP) in Block 14, Offshore Angola, West Africa. The development was called Tombua Landana. CABGOC awarded the EPIC contract for a Compliant Piled Tower (CPT) platform to DSME (Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering) who in its turn contracted the Transportation and Installation part of contract to Heerema Marine Contractors.
The platform which has been installed successfully in 2008 is located 60 Miles west of Malongo in 370m water depth and comprises the following parts: The CPT consisting of a Levelling Pile Template, a Tower Base Template (built by Heerema Vlissingen), 8 of the largest foundation piles in the world (850T; rolled by SIF, assembled by Heerema Vlissingen), a 270m long Tower Bottom Section (30,000T) and the Tower Top Section (7,000T). The topsides, which were all built by DSME in South Korea except for the Living Quarters and Flare, consist of 4 modules with a total weight of 30,000T. The topsides were all transported by Dutch heavy transport Companies.


Evert van Herel, project manager bij Heerema Marine Contractors.

* Er is om 18.00 uur gelegenheid tot deelname aan de gesponsorde broodmaaltijd.
* De broodmaaltijd vooraf en de borrel na afloop worden aangeboden door Heerema Marine Contractors.
De borrel na afloop wordt gehouden in café "de Posthoorn" op het Lange Voorhout.
* Aanmelden tot uiterlijk dinsdag voor de lezing.


KIVI NIRIA gebouw, Prinsessegracht 23

2514 AP Den Haag


Offshore Techniek

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Nadere informatie bij ir. M. Meijer van Delta Marine Consultants, tel. 0182-590613 of 06-29121831.